I've accidentally involved myself in many "____-alongs" for the coming months, and I'm trying to make some headway. Above, some Wensleydale (swoooooooooon) in the "Sweet Potato" colorway from HelloYarn. This is for a Spunquistadore Singles Spin-Along/Knit-Along for shawls - I'm planning on knitting the Aeolian shawl from the latest Knitty. I've got some beads on standby.
This was a blast to spin! The Wensleydale, with it's long staple, made this easy to spin to a laceweight, and eased my fears a whole bunch about it falling apart if you just LOOKED at it. I split the original roving up by color - I wanted the color progression to flow through the length of the shawl, with darkest tones along the lower edge. Hopefully, this will all work out as planned. I've got around 800 yards of the yarn. With the beads and the expected haloing, I'm hoping for a somewhat ethereal shawl.

I also finally got around to spinning up and plying these GIGANTIC batts from the Enchanted Knoll Happy Hooves Club. The batts are HUGE! This is the "Cabaret" colorway, though I have been fondly referring to it as Liza Minelli, what with all the sparkle. Seriously, so much sparkle. Everywhere. All over me.
I'm knitting on a secret project right now, so no pictures of that. But I'm driving out to Ithaca this weekend, so LOTS of car knitting! I plan on having many finished objects by the end of the weekend.
Meanwhile, in the real world......I'll be teaching a leather paring workshop next week. This will be my first foray into TEACHING leather-work. Based on other classes I've taught, and working with leather myself, I think it will once again be a matter of teaching-by-feel. It's tough to teach tension! I've been tossing around a lot of different approaches to this, and what I NEED to cover, but you never can know in advance. Also, continuing on my quest to have a decent-sized library of books-in-sheets available - the docket grows larger, and I am (thus far) unable to keep up.