I managed to spin up 7 pounds of fiber this year - a small cat! It's mostly SCF and HY, with a bit of melseyknits & Fantom Farms thrown in for good measure.
It is so nice to spin for a PURPOSE - to know what weight yarn I'm aiming for, to have an idea of what yardage I'll need, etc. I've had a few things in mind for some of these yarns, especially the sweater lots, and it feels great to be one step closer to having the actual garments :)
I mentioned it's been hot:

This has been the state of both cats lately. PORNOGRAPHICAT.
Meanwhile, I've been (slowly) working on this quilting project, which at this point is, um, *mildly* obscene?

I'm thinking with the next bit it won't be as porny. Hoping to get back to it in the next week or so. The basic printout I'm working from is a print from the delightful Neil Stevens - I've got a number of his amazing Tour de France prints from last year. The colorblocks of his bird prints seemed IDEAL for a quilt, and I'm hoping I can do the prints justice!