Wow, and here we are in 2013!
A few things right away:

My book is out! After many many editings and many many photoshoots, along with being told that the book was set for APRIL 2013 publication, the book that I wrote with Amy Lapidow came out a week before Christmas! I'm thrilled to hold it in my hands, though I will admit to not yet sitting down and really spending any
time with it yet. (I was still exhausted from looking through the same pages so many times....) But I am THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED that it is out and very excited to see what people make from it!
In 2013 news, I've decided to take on a few larger projects - one new, many old.
First up, I've decided to do a sketch-a-day through the year. I'm already mildly anxious for warmer weather as all of my sketches so far are late night, in the house.

But the thing I'm really looking forward to - I mean REALLY - is taking care of some unfinished projects. I've got a LOT of partially knit items floating around, and they need to be dealt with before I even consider starting anything else. (Yes, yes, I know I say this all the time, even while casting on......) But this time I'm serious - I called in a
professional. The lovely Miss KBlake is The Best at assessing WIPs and deciding 1. if you are ever going to finish something, 2. if, once finished, you will ever wear/use/etc. said project, 3. putting all of these projects in an approachable order. So I called her in! So far THIS YEAR I have finished TWO things:

These mittens, which needed.....ONE LINING.

And these Mukluks, which needed...HALF A SLIPPER KNIT UP.
I'm moving on to some of the larger sweateresque projects now. At this rate, if I can hold onto it, I should have an empty WIP basket by the end of February ;)
Oh yeah, here's a 2012 round-up:

ANNNNNNDDDDDDD my uncle looks like GrumpyCat: