This is some wonderfully soft Australian Merino that David brought over on his visit this past October. It's beautifully dyed - completely saturated with color - and spun up wonderfully. I split the roving lengthwise a few times and spun it with some added twist in the hopes of it plumping up in both the plying process and the finishing process (more on that below), and it really did! It's infinitely squishable and lovely, and comes in at around 240 yards. The blues are slightly brighter than this picture - an almost cornflower blue, with the most subtle of greens.
I split the roving strip in half in the hopes of NOT maintaining color transitions and striping. I then split each half again a number of times - some long strips, some into smaller pieces, some into clumps - and jumbled it all up into 3 approximate piles. I then spun one bobbin from each of those piles, fairly high twist, and hoped that they would all end up fairly even. Those 3 bobbins were then all plied together, and I was left with only a few yards on one bobbin. The total yardage on this skein is 300 yards.
My finishing process is pretty simple: For these yarns, I wanted them to plump up a bit. I first soaked each skein in a very very hot water soak, with a dash of soap. I left that to sit for about 20 minutes. I drained the water out of the sink, squeezed the excess water out of the yarn, then soaked it again in very cold water. Rinse, drain, repeat. Then I gave the yarn a sharp snap and whacked it a couple of times, and left it on a hook to dry.
My main knitting right now is Work Knitting, so I can't show it. I CAN say that it is a fair isle bag, knit flat, leaving about...7787892346 ends to weave in. GROSS. It's currently the bane of my existence, and why I have been procrastinating through spinning.