But the spinning! I spun the equivalent of a CAT this year!

That's 8 lbs, 03 oz. of fiber, for a total length of 8489 yards (15,648 yards pre-plying). I've got 2 sweaters' worth of yarn in there, a honking skein of color progression laceweight singles, some low-twist singles slated for a woven project, and much much more. My stash runneth over!
I did take some breaks from the spinning - I worked on my first assignment for One Scrappy Bee! Julie Frick requested some Vortex Blocks featuring bunneh fabric:

I couldn't resist giving him fangs. But then the second bunneh seemed to be lacking.....

..so this one got sexy lady eyelashes. I believe rabbit embellishments have been added to her OSB Assignments :) I'm really enjoying this Bee - I love seeing everyone's interpretations of the assigned patterns.
Oh yeah, I knit something too:

This is the Annis Shawlette from a recent knitty. This was a great stashbusting project - I have had this 300 yard skein of alpaca from Touch of Twist for a few years now, and this pattern seemed simple enough, and while it used slightly more yardage, I opted to knit it anyway and go down a needle size. As it is now, it's lovely and light and ethereal, though a bit of an odd size - neither here nor there.
Nice blog...good luck and have a nice day :-)
8 pounds! I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around that. I've been spinning about a month (and just recently found this blog), and in my wildest dreams can't picture getting that much done in that period of time. You are amazing and what I want to be when I grow up (but who knows when that'll be!)