"Botanical Extracts" from FatCatKnits, Merino/Mohair/Nylon, about 520 yards (gift from Weetsie!)

"Speckled" (split up and carded) from HelloYarn, Merino.

"Uluru" from SCF, in Superwash BFL. Also a gift from weetsie!
There's a bit more of the fiber, but that isn't all that I've been doing! There has been a TON of sewing going on.

I finally got around to making up one of these origami quilts I had been thinking about AGES ago - this is the Maine Lobster. The reverse side is red with white stitching. This went fairly smoothly, and I definitely think I'll be making more of these in the future.

I made this skirt! Every year I buy one or two lengths of fabric with the intention of making skirts, and every year I DO NOT MAKE SKIRTS. I finally got around to making some skirts and really got on a roll - I made 4 so far. All o the skirts are reverse-engineered from favorite (store-bought) skirts that I wear constantly through the warmer months. I put pockets in all of them as well (REAL pockets, not dinky girl-clothes "pockets"), and I've been wearing them all a ton/ Geez, why did this take me so long?!?!?

There's been a little bit of knitting......

.......and even some weaving. I'm obsessed with Houndstooth these days :)
Ooh, AND I finished my Topflappen!

You are the artisanal overlord.
ReplyDeletethat is all.
I like what Chawne said.
ReplyDeleteI was going to say: oh Stacie. You make me want to make things.