I've delved head-first into a non-bloggable knitting project, so I thought I'd throw some handspun eye candy up here in the meantime! This stuff sure accumulates! It also tells a story of my progress as a spinner - there are some yarns in there that I am not too thrilled with, there are others where I do not care for the fiber. It serves as a reminder that I need to get better at labelling fiber content and yardage, as well.
Lots of fiber club stuff in there!
So I'm on a brief break from spinning as I plow through some test-knitting. I'll most likely get back to it in a day or two - it's meditative and calming. I'm also catching up with some bookbinding projects that have been back-burnered for a bit - I'm doing some layout work in order to be able to print books in sheets for binding. It's slow-going and nitpicky, but I'd rather take the time and really really get it right instead of constantly having to tweak it before every print run.

Meanwhile, winter weather continues to taunt us. This is a picture of one of the solstice stones at America's Stonehenge, which I visited this past weekend. Many of the ruins were still buried under snow - and there's more snow coming tomorrow! - but it was an interesting site to see, and a lovely hike through the woods. I'll definitely be returning there once the ground thaws.