Anyone reading this is the Northeast will understand me when I say that at this point in the winter, the only thing that gets me through is complete and total resignation that it will NEVER. Be. Warm. EVER. This is how it will be for the rest of our lives.
There have been some teaser days, followed by snow storms or icy cold rain/slush. I'm not going to be fooled by those few nice days - I know how this game works, nature!
So I've been spinning a bunch - I received a lovely package from David at Southern Cross Fibre, full of brilliant colors and fluffy fibery goodness. That picture up there is the "Desert Sky" colorway in Polwarth (which is a dream to spin) and gave me about 260 yards of 2-ply yum. It has a nice shimmer to it, and pluffed up a fair amount in setting the twist. I've got some other stuff from David on the bobbin right now - in the "Fields of Gold" colorway, this time some BFL. I had nearly forgotten how wonderful it is to spin BFL - it's so delightfully springy and plush!
Meanwhile, on the needles - actually, just about off:

A mildly dodgy picture of some socks. The main yarn is Superwash Merino, spun up in the "Dancing" colorway from Knitterly Things. It's a 3-ply, and I think it's about 300 yards or so? I split the whole thing into 2 cakes, yardage-wise, and knit them toe-up. The toes, heels, and cuffs are some leftover commercial yarn (I think it may be Rowan 4-ply Soft?) and I am trying to use up every last ounce of that as well. There's some minor shaping up the leg, short-row toes and heels, and a k2p1 rib for the cuff.
These are a gift to my friend Anne, who is a lover of handknit socks. She appreciates what goes in to the making of things like this, and in the past, has refused to accept socks from me. So these are my gift to her, for MY birthday :)
Gorgeous mcGorgeous. And I am totally stalking you, FYI.