I'm going to talk a little bit more about my favorite quilt that I've made - the Rainbow Vortex Quilt.

When the American Museum of Folk Art had the "Infinite Variety" showing of a vast collection of red and white quilts, I was floored by the red and white vortex quilt. I couldn't stop thinking about it! Pictures kept popping up online, adding to my obsession.
Right around this time I picked up a rainbow of Kona solids - a half yard each of 12 different colors. I had no specific plans for these colors - the only "rule" was that it could only be supplemented with white fabric.

I continued to think about the vortex quilt. I got out some paper and mocked the whole thing up, did a lot of math, tried out different things. I thought about the easiest way to cut and piece the whole thing. I thought about it all again. And again. And again.

I finally got out the rotary cutter and set to cutting. I managed to sew the majority of the pieces together over the course of an afternoon. The center of the top features an absurd 48 seams over a very very small amount of space - I had to trim these back, and in the end I placed a quarter-sized circle of white fabric in the center.

Due to the close proximity of many of the seams at the center of the quilt top, I thought the best way to go about quilting this was by hand. But I also wanted it to be DONE. I invited some crafty ladies over and we had a splendid quilting bee, each working an arc of color in a matching thread.
This quilt it gigantic, but definitely one of my prouder quilting achievements. I'm thrilled with how it came out, I'm ecstatic that my math WORKED, and I love how the colors play together.