I got this awesome new sewing machine for my birthday -

It's the Singer 160 and it is replacing my much-loved 25 year-old Kenmore. (I really wish there was a simple way to attach an odometer to these machines because I'd love to know the "mileage" I've put on it.) The Singer is great - my old machine was missing the wide-bed attachment for a loooong time, so it's great to have a nice wide bed to hold things a bit more. It's also super smooth and quiet - the Kenmore was like a freight train! I had been considering getting a new machine for quite some time, and when I saw this I knew it was the machine for me - not too many bells and whistles, slightly more high-tech than the Kenmore, and completely humpable.
So with a new machine, what else to do but SEW????
First up, I finished up this
Two-Zip Hip Bag.

This was a great test for the new machine, as the pattern has you sewing through something like 12 thicknesses of decorator-weight fabric. It's also got some tiny, mildly fidgety bits. I'm thrilled with how it came out. And it was another chance to use my favorite goat fabric from IKEA.
Next up, this adorable fitted tablecloth:

This is from a pattern in
Home Sewn: French General, which is a charming book full of linen. I modified the way I approached the pattern a bit. This is a cotton/linen blend from Jo-Ann Fabric. I also made a slightly larger one in red, with a non-scalloped border.
"humpable." heh. that is one sexay machine. so jealous.